
Sunday, 9 July 2017

Take-A-Stitch-Tuesday: A quick update....

Just in case you were thinking that a busy Summer here means that no stitching is taking place, I thought I would pop in to give you a quick update of the TAST stitches that I have worked since my blog break started.

The first stitch is week 84 of the TAST Challenge hosted by Sharon Boggon at Pin Tangle and is the Woven Cross Stitch. 

It is a very pretty stitch which I really enjoyed working.

I added a line of stitches to my sampler using variegated silk thread. I really think the variegation of the thread adds to this stitch.  You can find Sharon's tutorial for it here.

For week 85 the stitch was Breton Stitch (above).  I used variegated silk thread to add an example to my sampler.

Week 86's stitch was Knotted Cable Chain Stitch (above).  I again used a variegated silk thread to add an example to my sampler.

Next, week 87, was Herringbone Square/Laced Herringbone Square (above). The base herringbone stitches of this combination of stitches was worked using cotton perle (8) thread in blue with the lacing worked in variegated silk thread.

This was followed by Sorbello Stitch for week 88 (above).  I stitched this example using variegated cotton perle (8) in a light green.

I also used the same light green variegated perle cotton thread to stitch week 89's stitch which was Wrapped Coral Stitch (above).

This week's stitch (stitch 90) was Woven Trellis Stitch (above).  I worked the base in cotton perle (8) thread and the weaving was completed using variegated silk thread.  So now you are all caught up with the stitches I have been adding to my sampler which you can see below.

Thanks for visiting and until next time.....