
Tuesday, 30 April 2013

Inspirational Blogs!

It amazes me how much wonderful creative talent there is out there on the internet!  I just love reading the truly inspirational blogs that can be found.  The biggest problem this causes is deciding which project to work on first!  I know that my 'To Do' list grows longer and longer on a daily basis.

One of my favourite blogs to visit is Red Brolly where there are plenty of inspirational ideas, tips and techniques to be found.  They cover not only quilts and embroidery but papercrafts and photography!

This year Bronwyn Hayes of Red Brolly has started a fabulous 'Girls Own Stitching Club'. It is a free online stitching club.  I have printed off my copy of the first sampler block. Looks fun doesn't it?  I can't wait to get started!

I believe that there are going to be nine blocks in total and each one will help you practice different embroidery stitches so that you are learning as you go along.  At the end they will be made up into a quilt. What a great idea!  Now I know what my next project is going to be!

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