
Friday, 20 June 2014

Keeping up with my FMQ practice!

Actually, the last couple of weeks I haven't been doing very well at keeping up with my free motion quilting practice!! It has been a busy time as my family have all returned from their various places of study for the Summer and, I have been somewhat side-tracked by one or two other projects which have been fast-tracked to the front of the ever growing 'things to make' list!!

Free Motion Quilt Sampler: Front View

I really don't want to give up on the FMQ though, as I felt that I was getting a bit of a rhythm going and, I don't want to have to start completely from scratch.  So, one evening earlier this week (isn't it great now that the evenings are light enough to sew in the natural light?!) when my eyes felt too tired to concentrate on hand embroidery, I thought I would make another FMQ practice sampler using one of the pieced blocks I discovered among my fabric scraps.

Free Motion Quilt Sampler: Back View

The block has been constructed in exactly the same way as the last FMQ sampler block. The fabrics are obviously different and, I have quilted it differently too.

'Pebbles': Back View

I have even been brave enough to try out a new (to me) FMQ pattern which is called 'pebbles'. I have seen it used a lot and I like the effect it gives. My first attempt is not brilliant as I had to go round each pebble more than I should in order to get to where I needed to stitch the next pebble.  I'll have to look for a tutorial to see how I get round this problem.  The overall effect is quite nice..... but, more practice needed!!

'Pulley': Back View

The 'pulley' and 'loopy flowers' patterns are both feeling more and more comfortable and I think I would even feel confident to use them when quilting a finished quilt, which I am very happy about.

'Loopy Flower': Back View

I thought  I would do the same as I did last time and leave myself enough backing fabric to self bind the sampler so that it can be turned into a small table topper.  I haven't had the chance to trim it up and bind it just yet but,  I am excited to finish the binding because, I found these cute little quilt binding clips when I was out shopping today.  They are designed specifically to clip your binding in place until it is secured with stitches and I want to try them out!  Maybe over the weekend? 

Cute little quilt clips for holding your binding in place until sewn!

Whatever you are doing I hope your weekend is full of sunshine! 


  1. This looks very detailed Christine-you must have a lot of patience and concentration I think I would be all over the place with it! Love the pebbles design, I often do seaside themed cushions, just thinking how effective this pattern would look. Hope you enjoy the weekend, Alison xx

    1. Thank you Alison! You should give the pebbles a try! To start with I was all over the place but, I'm really starting to get the feel of it now and the more I relax and enjoy the stitching the more the stitches seem to flow. Just seen your beautiful post you're very lucky to live in such a beautiful place! Enjoy your weekend!! xx

  2. You're making great progress with your FMQ Christine - it's all looking so good. I haven't yet been brave enough to use the pebble pattern on a quilt (it makes me nervous) and I'm admiring yours highly - I don't think you should be concerned about going round a pebble more than once as it seems perfectly acceptable, and even desirable, from what I've seen from the 'experts'! I still get a bit nervous when I get into free-motion when I start, then settle down a bit, but keeping the stitches even and regular is my concern and battle, so far! As you so rightly say, practise is the thing. Keep up the good work, you really are doing a lovely job! Happy weekend to you, xoJoy

    1. Thank you Joy! I have been trying FMQ on and off for some years and have always given up before. This time I was really determined to get to grips with it and, I am really pleased with my progress. I have found that now I have found my own rhythm and am relaxing a little more as I stitch the stitching seems to flow more smoothly! Thanks for visiting me and have a lovely weekend! :) xx


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