
Wednesday, 3 September 2014

More tidying in the sewing room!

You may recall that the last Bank Holiday Monday here in the UK was e-x-t-r-e-m-e-l-y wet and, I spent some time in my sewing room reorganising as a result.

The desk I use for cutting and sewing

My reorganised sewing room

Then I crocheted a new cover for my sewing room stool and things were looking quite good (even if I do say so myself!)

My new crocheted stool cover

There was, however, one item which I have been quite unhappy with since we first moved in here and I thought it was about time I addressed the situation.

The 'faux' curtains in my old sewing room (right)

I have my fabrics stored on shelves and, as the room I use for sewing is a conservatory, it gets a lot of sunlight.  I was anxious that my treasured fabrics didn't suffer from being bleached by the sun and I have them covered with a sort of curtain.  Actually, they are two panels of fabric that I made as 'faux' curtains in my previous sewing room in Switzerland. They did the job to a degree but they weren't really the right width (a little too narrow) or the right length (a little too long).

The 'faux' curtains in my old sewing room (left)

I decided that it was time to make something better.  So, I used the larger blind that you can see in the photos above.  I unpicked all the ribbon and shortened the length.  It has made a nice cover for my shelves and is just the right width to hide my stash of fabrics from the sun and out of sight!!

My 'new look' fabric panel

A peek at the fabric stash it hides!!


  1. Very clever and very nice stash of fabric:-)

    1. Thank you Jenny! I do love my fabrics and I have collected one or two pieces over time!! ;) x

  2. Yes I agree, you just don't realise how much damage the sun can do to fade fabric so smart move on your part. Love the stool cover, I must learn to crotchet one day.

    1. Hello Dawn! The sun really does fade things quickly and my room gets a lot of it so I really wanted to get the fabrics out of the way. The bonus is my husband can't see them either!! ;)

  3. My fabric collection is ancient and in a plastic box :( I really should start again. On a brighter note I'm going to start knitting poppies today - there is a crochet pattern too, but I haven't crocheted since I was a child so afraid it's all Double Dutch now!

    1. Hi Kay! Yes you should get your sewing/knitting/etc out again. It is very satisfying to finish a project... Crochet would come back in no time the basics are very simple! :) x

  4. It is certainly a good idea to keep your fabrics out of the sun - It definitely fades my cardstock if I leave it out!

    1. Hi Janet! I know the sun really fades things quickly! In fact the two 'faux' curtains were a bit faded down one edge from being in the window at Coppet. :) x

  5. Oh wow, that all worked together good! Great use of the extra fabric/curtains, wish I was there with you to sew in your neat organized sewing room

    1. Thank you Shelly! I like to recycle things if I get the chance and I wasn't going to use the blind so it seemed a perfect solution!! :) x

  6. Oh what a beautifully tidy sewing room Christine! Great idea about covering up your fabric, like you I have mine on shelves and overlook the fading problem. I am inspired to go and have a good tidy up-it's so much more pleasurable when tidy!
    Alison xx

    1. Thank you Alison! I was pleased with the new curtain/cover and much prefer how I've arranged the furniture, it gives me more room! :) x

  7. I love your sewing room - so light and cheerful. Great idea for the curtains! You lived in Switzerland? Wow!

    1. Thank you Linda! Yes, we were in Switzerland for nearly twenty years... we just moved back to the UK earlier this year! (Husband's work) :) x


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