
Monday, 13 April 2015

Mrs Beasley's Sampler Quilt: Block 3 Finished!

This morning I am very excited to show you my finished block 3 of 'Mrs Beasley's Sampler Quilt'.  This beautiful quilt is designed by Leanne Beasley of Leanne's House and is being published in her wonderful magazine 'Vignette' from issue 10 (block one) to issue 13 (block four).

Block three appears in issue 12 of Vignette and I have really enjoyed piecing and then embroidering the block.

It has involved lots of different techniques including patchwork, applique and English paper piecing.

I am not sure yet how the blocks will be pieced together as that information will come with the final block in the next issue of Vignette but, here are the three blocks that I have completed to date.

I can't wait now for the next block so that I can finish off this lovely quilt.

I have just learned of an embroidery link up each Monday morning hosted by 'Super Mom - No Cape! So I have linked this post.  If you are interested in seeing some lovely embroidery projects why not pop over and have a look at the linked posts or, join in the fun and link up one of your own posts about an embroidery project you have made.


  1. Beautiful, this third part - Vignette is a really lovely magazine. I waited also for the third part, and this morning, Vignette was brought by the postman. As soon as possible, I will start with it.
    You did a perfect work - it is really nice: the stitchery the application and also your fabrics!!!

    1. Thank you Katharina! I hope you have as much fun putting the block together as I did. I hope the wait for block four is a little shorter too! Enjoy issue 12 of Vignette... there are some other nice projects in it too! :) x

  2. Happiness indeed. This brings a smile to my day. :) Makes me want to add embroidery to all my quilts! Thanks for sharing Christine. Janita

    1. Thank you Janita! I really love the combination of patchwork and embroidery and I am really enjoying making this quilt! :) x

  3. I love those blocks. I started following your blog when I saw the first of your blocks. They're so pretty!

    1. Thank you Christiane! I love them too... I can't wait for the last block so that I can finish the quilt... I think it will be one of my favourites for a very long time! Have a lovely week! :) x

  4. Very pretty, this is going to be very colourful and cheery xx

    1. Thank you Janet! I really like these blocks and I a looking forward to the last block so that I can get the quilt finished. Hope you have a lovely week. :) x

  5. Replies
    1. Thank you Marsha! It has been fun to make! :) x

  6. very pretty stitches...came through super cape mom's linkie

    1. Thank you! It is so nice to see what everyone is making! :) x

  7. Your blocks are all really pretty! I like the combination of so many different techniques. And I love the dragonfly.

    Thanks so much for linking up to my Stitchery Link Party and for helping to get the word out about it. I really do appreciate it so much. Hugs!!

    1. Thank you for your comment and for hosting the link up! I think it is going to be a lot of fun seeing what everyone makes.... there is so much wonderful creative talent about! :) x

  8. Another beautiful finish! I cannot wait to see block 4. And, I am so excited that you joined the Stitchery Link Party at Super Mom - No Cape! :)

    1. Thank you Renee! I can't wait to get this quilt finished... I think the link up is going to be fun.... so many lovely blogs to visit! :) x

  9. Very pretty stitching. I love all the little details, and that little flower cute!

    1. Thank you for visiting and for your lovely comment! Hope you will visit again! :) x

  10. Liebe Christine,
    wie schön, diese Blöcke finden sofort ihren Weg ins Patcher Herz! Danke für die Info, ich werde sie mir später mit Ruhe anschauen!!
    Liebe Grüße

    1. Hello Steffi! Thank you! I am really enjoying putting these blocks together and I can't wait for the next block to be published so that I can finish the quilt! :) x

  11. Lovely stitching! The colors and design are beautiful! Will be watching your progress on this.

    1. Thank you Cathy! I have been working on this a while so I am looking forward to the last block and getting it finished! :) x

  12. So charming--love it! I can't wait to see what block 4 will bring--it's going to be a beautiful little quilt!

    1. Thank you Karen! I can't wait for the next issue of the magazine so that I can finish the next block and complete the quilt... this one is going to be a quilt I keep! :) x

  13. This is so delightful Christine. You do such awesome work with so much to look at and admire. I just love it.

    1. Thank you Amanda! I am really enjoying working on it and I can't wait for the next block to be published so that I can get it finished. I can tell it is going to be one of my favourite quilts! :) x

  14. It is just so beautiful Christine, such intricate work. What a treasured quilt this will become!
    Best wishes
    Alison xx

    1. Thank you Alison! It think it definitely will be one of my favourite quilts! Can't wait to get the next block and get it finished! :) x

  15. Gosh that's a great block, I just love it!

    1. Thank you Lyn! Looking forward to the next block and then getting the quilt finished! :) x

  16. I am really enjoying seeing these blocks. They are somewhat reminiscent of folk art, but with a very modern vintage twist. All of those terms sound contradictory don't they - but the designer has done an excellent job of combining all the styles. Of course your additions and colour choices add to the overall effect too!!

    1. Thank you Mary Anne! It is a really clever design and I am really enjoying putting it together! :) x

  17. What a beautiful combination of patchwork and embroidery, really pretty fabric too.

    1. Thank you! It is a lovely design by Leanne Beasley and the fabric is Tilda! (My favourite!) :) x


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