
Friday, 22 May 2015

Getting caught up.....

You may have noticed I've been a bit quiet here this week, that is because I have had a very busy 'getting caught up' sort of week.  Firstly, I had to catch up with all the laundry that we brought back from our weekend away. I also had to catch up with a stack of paperwork that has been waiting for my attention and, I have had the Farm Girl Fridays SAL blocks to catch up with too!

Well, I have done the laundry and the paperwork and, resisted the VERY great temptation of looking through two beautiful magazines which arrived for me yesterday.  The Spring and Summer issues of 'Crazy Quilt Quarterly' that I ordered have arrived!!  I could hardly wait to have a good read through the lovely magazines by Pamela Kellogg but, I needed to remain focussed on my Farm Girl Vintage blocks as I did not want to fall any further behind, so I just had to make do with a quick look through them. They look gorgeous!!

I set myself up a 'cutting station' on my dining room table and sorted through lots of fabrics. I have to admit to being a little out of my comfort zone with some of the brighter fabrics I think these blocks need as, I usually use much softer colours. However, that is part of the fun of joining in!!

Sorting through the fabrics did lead to some reorganisation of my boxes of scrap fabrics which, took longer than I had hoped but, I did eventually start work on the blocks and I now have six 12" blocks all cut out ready to be pieced together.

Luckily it is a long weekend here in the UK this weekend, so I am hoping that I will get some quality time in my sewing room and have the blocks all caught up by the beginning of next week.  I also hope to have time to sit and quietly read the magazines to get some inspiration for embellishing my next crazy quilt block.  If what I have seen is anything to go by, I won't be disappointed!!  Have a happy weekend!  


  1. The organization of your pieces is just wonderful. These will go together so quickly when you have a few minutes for the sewing part! Super idea! Hugs, Kathy

    1. Thank you Kathy! That is what I am hoping!! Have a lovely weekend! :) x

  2. If only the laundry would take care of itself.... wouldn't that be dreamy.
    The Farm Girl Vintage pattern is so cute. l look forward to seeing your blocks. : ) Too much quilty goodness in the world. I want to make every quilt! The quilt wish list is getting so long : ) Enjoy today. Janita

    1. Wouldn't that be nice Janita... if the laundry took care of itself! My quilt wish list gets longer by the day.... hope I can get the ones I've started finished!! :) x

  3. You have more willpower than I do - I would have gotten so sidetracked with magazines (and almost anything else). I actually finished 5 blocks but haven't created a post yet. I think it takes me longer to pick out fabric than to do the actual sewing! Your fabric choices look beautiful. At first I was trying to pick out fabrics that resembled the ones in the book, but now I'm easing up on that and trying to "do my own thing" with my stash.

    1. Hello Linda! It was hard believe me!! I also procrastinate over the fabric choices, so I am pleased to have that part of the blocks done.... the sewing is the easy part!! I'm like you I wanted the blocks to look like those in the book but now I'm doing my own thing!! Have a lovely weekend! :) x

    2. Apparently I can't count - just went to take photos of everything and I have four blocks instead of five! Wishful thinking I guess. :)

    3. Never mind Linda, I am sure you will get the fifth one finished in no time! Looking forward to seeing them! :) x

  4. You seem so well organised Christine xx

    1. Thank you Margaret... I do try to be! Hope you have some sunshine for the Bank Holiday! :) x

  5. Liebe Christine.
    bewundernswert Deine Ordnung. Bin sehr gespannt auf Deine Blöcke von "Farm Girl Vintage". Das sieht recht aufwendig aus. Hoffe Du findest etwas Muße für Deine Zeitschriften. Ein wunderschönes verlängerte Wochenende und liebe Grüße

    1. Thank you Monika. The Farm Girl Vintage blocks are quite straight forward.... some of them have some quite small pieces but they are not too difficult. I just have a number to sew together... hopefully you will get to see them next week! :) x

  6. It's going to be fun to see what you do with all those fabric pieces - I'm sure it will be pretty! Let me know what you think of the magazines - really hope you like them!

    1. Hello Mary Anne! I am sure I am going to love the magazines... I can already see from the peek that I have had that they are gorgeous!! I'll look at the properly when I have finished piecing my blocks together! Have a lovely weekend! :) x

  7. Don't know how you resisted the temptation of not reading the mags! You look very organised for your long weekend - Miss H is sewing her postage stamp quilt as it pours with rain outside and Snowy and I am relaxing on the little sofa watching!

    1. I don't know how I resisted the temptation either!! Can't wait to get the blocks pieced together so that I can really have a good read! I cut the pieces for another quilt too while I was having a cutting session.... maybe I'll get that one pieced together too! Enjoy your weekend! :) x

  8. I hope you get lots done over the weekend xx It's always good to have a catch up day or two!

    1. Thanks Janet! I hope I do too...! Hope you are having a nice quiet holiday weekend too! :) x

  9. I so wish I could work in such a well organised way, I might finish more things come to think of it!!
    Have a great weekend!

    1. Thank you Lyn! It helps with these sorts of projects to be organised but sometimes I wish I could be more spontaneous! :) x


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