
Friday, 1 May 2015

One Lovely Blog Award

Earlier this week I was reading one of my favourite blogs to visit and was happy to discover that Renee of Living my Dream had been nominated for a 'One Lovely Blog Award'. Renee's blog is lovely, so I was not at all surprised that she had been nominated but, I was surprised that she in turn had nominated my blog for the award! Thank you Renee... I am touched!

The purpose of this award is for bloggers to nominate fellow, mostly newer, bloggers that they wish to recognize. The goal is to bring attention to blogs that we think are 'lovely' and enjoy reading.  We hope others will enjoy reading these blogs also.

In order to accept the award the nominated blogger must:
  • Thank the person who nominated you and link back to them in your post.
  • Share seven facts about yourself.
  • Nominate 10 other bloggers for the award.
Here are my seven facts:

1. I am British by birth and I now live back in England but, I also lived in Switzerland for nearly 19 years, so speak and understand a reasonable level of French.

2. I am married to a man whose work involves a lot of travelling around the World, which is why I have so much time for stitching!!

3. I have three grown up children, two girls and a boy.  My eldest daughter has just finished an MSc. My son and youngest daughter are currently still studying at university.

4. I have two cute little dogs, one female called Poppy and one male called Dexter.  They are brother and sister and are seven years old.

5. I enjoy singing and have just joined a local choir.

6. Before I lived in Switzerland I also lived in Belgium for a couple of years.  I lived in a little town called 'La Hulpe' which had a lovely fabric shop called 'Notions' and it was here that I bought my first quilt book.

7. I find quilting and craft books and magazines irresistible and hence, I have a large collection of them in my sewing room... including that first one that I bought in Belgium!

Now, here is the hard part of this post, choosing just 10 of my favourite blogs to nominate. It was a difficult decision but here goes....

Mary Anne from Magpie's Mumblings

Marly from Marly's Quilts

Karen from Moose Bay Muses

Dasha from Patching Pixies

There are lots more blogs that I like to visit which you can see listed on the side bar to the right hand side of my blog.... I was very sorry that I could only choose ten to nominate!


  1. Christine what a lovely compliment! Thank you for the honor of being in such esteemed company. :)
    Love reading about your life, your family, and how your enviable book collection got started.

    1. Glad you enjoyed the post Linda! I love reading your blog and I hope you will accept the award if you have time! :) x

  2. Thank you for the nomination Christine! Poppy and Dexter are adorable and I'll bet they make great quilting companions!

    1. It is well deserved Karen, you make some stunning quilts and I love reading all about them! Have a lovely weekend! :) x

  3. Thank you so much for nominating me Christine I feel very privileged! I love reading your updates, we have such a lot in common, a love of bichons, sewing, crochet now I find that you speak French too! xx

    1. I am so pleased that you would like to take part. I really enjoy your lovely blog, you have such a creative flair. It is funny how many things we have in common... every time I visit your blog page and see Oscar I see my little Dexter looking back at me! :) x

  4. Christine a well deserved nomination! I already enjoy Mary Annes and Dasha's blogs myself so will blog hop around your suggestions to say hello too : )

    1. Thank you Lyn! You are sure to enjoy the other blogs too! Have a lovely Bank Holiday Weekend! :) x

  5. It is so much fun to learn a bit more about you! (We spent 3 years living in Zurich, and I would love to go back someday!) Your dogs are adorable and I love your collection of quilting/craft books. I do hope you enjoy being in the choir - sounds like fun! I am familiar with a couple of blogs you selected and look forward to checking out the others. (((Hugs)))

    1. Hi Renee! I always enjoy learning more about the person behind the blog too and thank you again for nominating me! I feel very honoured! :) x

  6. Thank you so much for nominating my blog Christine - although I'm a bit of a rebel and didn't play along in exactly the way I should have, it was fun!

    1. I am so glad you joined in the fun Mary Anne! I really enjoyed reading your post! :) x


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