
Wednesday, 3 June 2015

A few higgledy-piggledy days.....

About ten days ago my little female dog, Poppy, ruptured her knee ligament.  She was running around in the park chasing her brother, Dexter, one minute and hopping on three legs the next.  Ten days and several visits to the vet later, it was time for her to go in and have an operation to replace the ligament (that was yesterday).  She stayed in overnight, so I haven't seen her yet!  I shall be going to collect her later on this afternoon.

The recovery from the operation is going to be a long time.  The first month she is not allowed out of the house..... except into the garden (on a lead) for five minutes for a comfort break. Then gradually her exercise will have to be slowly increased depending on her body's speed of recovery.  The whole process may take up to four months before we are back into a normal routine.

Since the day the knee ligament ruptured, there has been a lot of coming and going to the vet, she hasn't been able to walk very well and, the days have all seemed a bit higgledy-piggledy.  It has meant there has not been so much time for sitting and stitching but, I have found time here and there to get some preparation done for when we are more confined to the house. 

Starting with making a couple of new base crazy quilt blocks ready for embellishment.... not sure which one I will embellish first to be my June CQJP block.

I have also cut the fabric for my next two Farm Girl Vintage blocks together with a new quilt top using a pattern I found in a magazine (I'll show you more later) made from Tilda fabrics.

Lastly, I have picked out some fabrics and prepared my embroidery project for the next Gail Pan Sew-a-long link-up over at Martina's blog.

Well, not long now until it is time to go and get Poppy and I can't wait to give her a cuddle!!


  1. Poor Poppy, hopefully Dexter will understand that she can not play a normal.
    It looks as though you have a few stitching projects to keep you going.

    1. I hope he will Brenda... We will be taking it very quietly for a few weeks.... hence the stitching projects! :) x

  2. I hope Poppy's recovery is speedier than the vet predicts. Poor pup! I look forward to seeing your progress on your projects, too!

    1. Thank you Renee! She is home now and looking very sorry for herself but I think she will pick up quite quickly and it is nice to have her home. :) x

  3. Good luck with Poppy (such a cute name!) Our pets are our babies. ;)
    Can't wait to see what you do with the crazy blocks and the new quilt top. I love your organization! Putting projects in plastic bags - great idea. Organization makes me happy. :)

    1. Thank you Linda! I am sure Poppy will pick up quickly... we will just have to take it quiet for a while! Lucky I have some projects to stitch ;) Organisation makes me very happy too! :) x

  4. Poor little Poppy! I hope she gets better more quickly than predicted. It must be difficult not being able to go for a walk - I expect Dexter feels a bit strange walking without her. Give her a cuddle from me xxx

    1. Thanks Janet, I will. She is looking a bit sorry for herself at the moment but I am sure she will bounce back quickly. Dexter is being very good. :) x

  5. I hope little Poppy is feeling better soon. Give her a pat for me. xx

  6. Awww - poor little puppy. She needs lots of extra scritches so please give her some from me. Too bad she couldn't stitch right along with you so it could keep her quiet while she heals.

    1. Thank you Mary Anne! She is having a lot of attention but she has a pain medication patch applied and I think it is knocking her out a little.... she seems quite sleepy! :) x

  7. Poor little Poppy. Hope she is feeling better soon. She looks sweet as can be. She will be glad to be home again. Our dogs are not happy campers anytime they need to go to the vet. They are very traumatized by the whole ordeal. They start to shake the moment we walk in the door. I always feel so bad for them.
    Thanks for sharing your thoughts at The Girlfriend Gap today. It is a great time of year. The Grandchildren bring lots of smiles to my days.

    1. Hello Janita! Thank you for your well wishes for Poppy. She is happy to be home and she seems quite comfortable for the moment. She happily ate all her breakfast, so that is a good sign! Enjoy the visits from your Grandchildren! :) x

  8. Sit quietly with Poppy and sew it will do you both good.Hopes for a speedy recovery.

    1. Thank you Dorothy! We are both enjoying a quiet day and you are right, it really does you good to be quiet sometimes! :) x

  9. Poor Poppy. I hope all went well and she recovers as she should. I love your base blocks - both of them - the fabrics are perfect. Looks like you have set yourself a tall order with so many projects but it is better to have several different projects on the go to hen you can pick according to this me and temper.

    1. Thank you Amanda! The operation went really well and Poppy is very glad to be home. She seems quite comfortable but very quiet, which is to be expected. Lots for me to play with while I keep an eye on her. :) x

  10. Oh no, poor Poppy! That sounds terrible and it must have been so sore for her. What a long recovery - Hoping Dexter will understand his 'sis' can't play like usual.

    1. Thank you! Yes, it is a long recovery and Dexter is being a very good boy! Luckily I have my daughter at home so she will be able to keep an eye of Poppy when I take Dexter out for a walk. :) x

  11. All my love to Poppy!!! It must be so hard for her, they are so playful. Hope she will recover sooner than predicted by the vet. She's so adorable...and so is Dexter, of course (we don't want him to get jealous now). Joey says hello as well and wishes a speedy recovery.

    1. Hi Carolina! Thank you! The operation went well and she seems quite comfortable. She was very pleased to come home. Dexter is being a very good boy.... so far! Hugs to Joey! :) x

  12. Hugs for Poppy and hope she recovers quickly.

    1. Thank you Keryn! Very kind of you to wish her well! :) x

  13. Poor little thing , sure hope she recovers quickly . Nice to see you have some stitching prepared for those moments in between .

    1. Thank you Sheila! So far things seem to be going well and she seems very comfortable. :) x

  14. Good heavens, what an awful thing to suddenly happen and such a long and difficult recovery time too. Hope she isn´t in pain and is as comfortable as possible. Hug, pat and ear scratch from me. (to Poppy that is ;-)

    1. Thank you Sheryl! The operation went smoothly and she is as comfortable as she can be. She was very happy to be home! :) x

  15. Oh dear, I hope Poppy makes a quick and complete recovery! It looks like you have lots of pretty projects to work on--can't wait to see the progress on them!

    1. Thank you Karen. We had a check up at the vet this morning and thing seem to be going in the right direction. Nice to have lots of stitching to do!! :) x


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