
Friday, 26 June 2015

Too busy for farm girl blocks....

Today should be a Farm Girl Friday day but, I haven't got any new farm girl blocks to show you! I have been busy working on other projects this week, so I am hoping that I will get caught up with the week nine Farm Girl Vintage blocks over the next week.  I have been telling myself that I am ahead of the SAL anyway as the week nine blocks haven't appeared on Lori's blog yet and that means I have all of this coming week to make them! 

So, what have I been working on this week instead? Well, I have signed up for two more Crazy Quilt Classes with Kathy Shaw.  The classes are sections of the Intermediate Crazy Quilt Class.  I have already completed section 101 which covers the design and construction of crazy quilt blocks. The two sections I am now participating in are 103 Embellishing with Threads and 107 Miniature Silk Ribbon Embroidery Flowers.

There is going to be a lot of stitching involved and I can't wait to get started!! So far this week I have just been preparing the base blocks for both sections and it has been fun!

I have also signed up for a new Craftsy class to try and improve my free motion quilting (FMQ) further.  If you have been following my blog for some time, you will know that I took an online class with Craftsy last year to work on my FMQ.  I made quite good progress but I would like to take it to the next level if that is possible.  The new class is with Christina Cameli and is called Free Motion Quilting Essentials

This week I have completed lesson one and I am pleased with my progress to date!  I will be keeping track of my progress in an online diary page which you can find on the right hand sidebar of this blog.  There are some photographs in there from last year's class, so I will be able to compare and see how I am getting on! Promise not to look too closely! 

Hope you all have a fun weekend with lots of stitching!! 


  1. When I saw the title to your post I thought "Me too!", since my Farm Girl blocks aren't even started. ;) Your crazy quilting classes are really a win for you. Since you started, your blocks get more and more gorgeous!

    Keeping a diary of your FMQ progress is smart. Your first FMQ block looks just like mine, even down to the color, and your photos show steady improvement, in fact the photos on this post look perfect to me. Kudos to you for taking another class!

    I took a class under Angela Walters at International Quilt Festival in Houston, and I loved her and had fun in class; but I could never seem to relax and get the hang of FMQ. The only thing that helped me was a glass of wine. ;)

    Have a wonderful weekend!

    1. Thank you so much Linda! I have been trying FMQ on and off for years.... I really would just like to be good.... unfortunately you have to work hard at it!! It is getting better though and I am hoping by the end of this new class I will be much more confident! I just am so enjoying my Crazy Quilt experience.... can't wait to get started on those new blocks! :) x

  2. It's going to be such fun to see what you create on those blocks!! I was planning to sign on for another of Kathy's classes but looked at what projects I have lined up and it will have to wait for a bit.

    1. Hello Mary Anne.... I am looking forward to adding lots of embroidery to them! I think there is going to be a lot of stitching involved... hope I can keep up!! Have a lovely weekend! :) x

  3. Christine, the crazy quilt blocks for Kathy's classes look fantastic. I am sure the finished blocks will be perfect.
    Good luck with further improving our FMQ, I look forward to following your diary.

    1. Thank you Brenda! There are a lot of embroidery techniques to learn, so they should be filled up with all sorts of things! I can't wait to get started! Have a nice weekend! :) x

  4. Those blocks are going to be so fun to embellish--very pretty! I think we are always our own worst critics when it comes to machine quilting--it looks like you did a great job from here!

  5. Thank you Marie! I hope you visit again! :)

  6. It's lovely to see how much you are enjoying Kathys classes. I Can hardly wait to see what's next with your crazy quilting. What do you do with your finished blocks? Are they going into a quilt?

    1. Hello Dawn! Thank you! I am really enjoying the classes and this time the blocks will be made into a quilt! (Hopefully!) xx


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