
Friday, 31 July 2015

Birthday swaps.....

As some of you may know, July is my birthday month and, as today is the last day of July and, I have participated in a couple of birthday swaps this year, I thought I would share with you some of the wonderful things I have been lucky enough to receive.

The first swap is a block swap with a group of ladies I know through Facebook. There are 14 of us participating and each month you sew a block for the ladies that have their birthdays that month and post them onto them.  I have already shown you several of the blocks that I have made and sent in this post and here.  Now, during my birthday month, I have started to receive some blocks and here they are....

From Julie T. (West Sussex, United Kingdom)
From Nancy (Canada)
From Annabella (Isle of Wight, UK)
From Jill (Italy)
From Eva (Netherlands)

They are all beautiful blocks, thank you ladies! I am looking forward to being able to make them into a marvellous quilt with blocks from around the World!

I am also participating in a more personal swap just between myself and a dear blogger friend, Leanne of Lizzie the Quilter.  Leanne sent me some gorgeous gifts for my birthday which included this pretty little wall hanging....

and another pattern in the same series by Robyn Allen-Waters for me to stitch for myself.

Some beautiful wooden buttons....

and a dear little fabric bucket to put in my sewing room.

She also sent some sweet treats but, I am afraid I ate them before I took the photographs! Sorry!!

Thank you Leanne for my wonderful birthday surpises! I love them all!! I am currently working on some surprises to send Leanne in return. Her birthday is a little later in the year and they will have to remain a secret for now!


  1. Sweet treats for sure. Leanne will be dancing in the streets for her birthday month. I will also be doing a birthday swap with her soon. I have never done a swap before so this will be my first. : ) I have my goodies just about ready to send. Hope you find some celebration in this last day of July. Janita

    1. Thank you Janita! I love how the internet brings like minded people from all over the world together! Have a wonderful weekend! :) x

  2. Happy birthday month Christine! :) What pretty blocks - I love those colors. That wall hanging is so cute - I spy some Tilda fabrics in it! Have a great weekend.

    1. Thank you Linda! Yes, that is something that Leanne and I share in common.... a love of Tilda fabrics! I was able to choose the colours that I wanted for the blocks and I chose teal/aqua.... I love these colours! Enjoy your weekend too! :) x

  3. Great goodies. Happy Birthday once again my friend xxx

    1. Thank you Gina! I feel very lucky to have received such lovely blocks and gifts! Have a lovely weekend! :) x

  4. Happy birthday Christine and what lovely gifts you've received. They will make an extra special quilt. Those owl buttons are lovely. X

    1. Thank you Ali! I was very lucky and I will have to think of a special project to use the owl buttons in! Have a great weekend! :) x

  5. Belated Happy Birthday from Germany! Birthday Swaps are always nice, everybody likes to receive packages on their birthday

    1. Thank you Katrin! You are right... it is fun receiving packages on your birthday no matter what age you reach! :) x

  6. How lovely to get gifts from all round the world x

    1. Thanks Janet! That is the fun part of making new friends through the internet! :) x

  7. Lovely gifts and blocks - nicely spoilt!

  8. I looks like you had a fun birthday month--what a great way to prolong the celebrating! Hope your actual birthday was awesome--Happy Birthday!

    1. Thank you Karen.... I have enjoyed having a birthday 'month' and my actual birthday was a lovely day!! :) x

  9. Liebe Christine,
    da gratuliere ich Dir noch herzlich nachtäglich zu Deinem Geburtstag. Welch wunderbare Geschenke sind von nah und fern eingetroffen. Viel Freude wünsche ich Dir.
    Liebe Grüße

    1. Thank you Monika! I have had some lovely gifts and a lovely month! :) x


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