
Wednesday, 7 October 2015

TAST Week Thirteen: Satin Stitch

Week thirteen of the TAST Challenge hosted by Sharon Boggon at Pin Tangle  is the satin stitch.  Over on Sharon's blog she gives links to tutorials for three different types of satin stitch as well as a great tutorial on how to bind and use an embroidery hoop.

On my sampler this week I added five satin stitched circles using some of my favourite variegated silk threads, which are hand dyed by Stef Francis.

Satin stitch is not one of my favourite stitches as I find it difficult to get looking tidy (and I am very big on stitches looking tidy!) so I don't often use it.  However, I do love the texture of it. It is so tactile.

In my view, it is a stitch which benefits greatly from being worked in a hoop and it does improve with practice.

I used to think that you needed to try and pack the individual straight stitches as tightly together as you possibly could in order to achieve a nice, neat, shiny satin effect but, I have come to realise that keeping the straight stitches consistent and straight and, your stitch tension even, is far more important. My circles are not perfect but they're not too bad either!

Talking of stitches.... I am off to the  Knitting and Stitching Show being held at Alexandra Palace tomorrow.  It looks like it could be fun.... I'll let you know!


  1. Have fun at Alexandra Palace - we are being patient and waiting until the Harrogate show at the end of November. Let me know if anything tempts you!

    1. Thanks Lynda! I hope it will be a good show! I'll let you know how I get on! Christine x

  2. Your circles look fantastic! I agree, tension is incredibly important with the satin stitch. Once again, I am wishing I lived closer. The Knitting & Stitching Show sounds like a great way to spend the day. Have fun!

    1. Thank you Renee! I hope it will be a nice show... it should be fun! I'll let you know! Christine x

  3. Your satin stitch circles are very neat. Love your sampler, too!

    Have a great time tomorrow. Looking forward to seeing your purchases!

    Barbara xx

    1. Thank you Barbara! I was pleased with the circles! Hope it is a good show tomorrow! Who said anything about purchases?! ;) Christine x

  4. I used to dread having to use satin stitch too, but there are a few little tricks that make it so much easier. And a show? Hmmm....wonder what treasures might manage to leap into your hands and insist on coming home with you. We will be expecting a full report when you get back!

    1. I had a great time at the show Mary Anne.... full report to follow! Christine x

  5. Hi Christine,this is all very interesting and i think your circles are fantastic,well done xx

    1. Thank you Shez! They are getting there!! Christine x

  6. Great samples and I wanted to say our point about tension and satin stitch is spot on. (Sorry could not avoid that) I think people under estimate tension
    Wish I could pop over and join you at the show. I am half the world away but I went once when visiting the UK and really had a lovely time. So enjoy!

    1. Thank you Sharon! I had a great time at the show.... couldn't resist a purchase to two! Christine x

  7. I think your circles look great, very neat. Have a great time at the show and tell us all about it asni can't make it this year

    1. Thank you Wendy! It was a lovely show... full report to follow! Christine x

  8. Wieder eine so schöne Stickarbeit. Dir Kreise im Satin-Stich sehen sehr schön aus. Bei der Knitting and Stitching Show wünsche ich Dir viel Freude und freue mich auf Deinen Bericht.
    Liebe Grüße

    1. Thank you Monika! It was a lovely show.... more news about it to follow! Christine x

  9. Liebe Christine
    So langsam wächst es, ich mag auch keine Plattstiche aber deine, ganz besonders die Kreise, gefallen mir sehr gut!
    Liebe Grüße

    1. Thank you Steffi! I liked stitching the circles and gradually I am adding to the sampler! Christine x

  10. I find satin stitching a bit challenging , your stitches look wonderful and I am loving your little sampler .

    1. Thank you Sheila! The stitches are gradually improving.... like everything else they need practice! Christine x

  11. I like the little buttons you've done with the satin stitch.

    1. Thank you Janet! They were fun to stitch! Chrissie x

  12. Beautiful! I really like your talent! :)

    1. Thank you Linda! What a nice thing to say! Have a lovely weekend! Christine x

  13. Your stitching looks great, Christine. I tend to avoid satin stitch as I also find it difficult to make it look neat. Have a lovely weekend. Hugs, Christine xx

    1. Thank you Christine! I suspect we are all just a little too critical of our own stitching but it is nice to have things looking good! Have a lovely weekend too! Christine x

  14. Wow, I don't think I've ever seen satin stitch with variegated threads, it looks so good! Your stitching is inspiring, I do very little embroidery and I love seeing what you've been doing here!

    1. Thank you Christina! I am really enjoying the TAST challenge! It is great fun! Christine x


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