
Wednesday, 27 January 2016

TAST Week 26: Arrow or Arrowhead Stitch

Another Tuesday gone and another TAST stitch released! Stitch twenty-six of the TAST Challenge hosted by Sharon Boggon at Pin Tangle  is arrow or arrowhead stitch. Sharon has posted a well-written tutorial describing how to work this stitch on her blog.  There are plenty of photographs showing examples of how you might use it.

This is a very straight forward stitch which is really just a combination of straight stitches. Having said that, I did have a job keeping both sides of the arrowhead the same length (not easy if you are not using an evenweave fabric.)  I decided that it would look nice in one of the smaller boxes on my sampler and just filled in a small rectangle using variegated silk thread.

I think the next time I would make the arrowheads a little deeper so that they come to more of a point but, I am happy with these for now. The perimeter of the box was stitched with the same variegated thread using a stem stitch.


  1. I love it! And the thread is beautiful too!
    Hugs Martina

    1. Thank you Martina! It could have been better balanced but never mind! Christine x

  2. Great job! This is going to be another stunning sampler.

    1. Thank you Renee! It is going to be fun to fill each box! Christine x

  3. Liebe Christine,
    das sieht ja wieder ganz toll aus. Diese Garne sind sehr schön. Das bleibt ja wieder spannend.
    Liebe Grüße

    1. Thank you Monika! I am not sure I made a very good job of this particular stitch but overall I hope the sampler will look nice! Christine x

  4. The stitches all look lovely in the variegated thread, your sampler is going to look fab xx

    1. Thank you Janet! I hope it will! Have a nice day off! Chrissie xx


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