
Wednesday, 10 February 2016

TAST Week Twenty-eight: Vandyke Stitch

Another week has passed by which means another TAST stitch! Stitch twenty-eight of the TAST Challenge hosted by Sharon Boggon at Pin Tangle  is Vandyke stitch. Sharon has posted a great tutorial describing how to execute it on her blog.

I recognised the name of this stitch but, it is not a stitch that I had ever used before.  It was a really nice stitch to work although, you do have to pay attention to your tension. It is a really pretty stitch and, I think I will be using it again in the future!

Another of the boxes on my sampler is now complete. I used variegated silk thread and finished the box using the same thread and a stem stitch. 

Also this week, I made another card using some rubber stamps that I had and, I have been busy working on the table runner for my son.

I have finished the piecing and have fused all the applique pieces in place. I just need to finish off the applique edges now and then get it layered together to quilt.  I am pleased that it is coming together well as, it is not long before I am going on a visit to see him and I would really like to be able to take it with me.


  1. Christine that is a very attractive stitch and fascinating to see how it's made. And as usual I love your choice of variegated thread.
    I love the table runner! I hope you have a chance to take a pic of it finished before you visit your son.

    1. Thank you Linda! I really enjoyed this week's TAST stitch. I hope I get the runner finished in time! Christine x

  2. I like the new stitch, it looks very attractive. I got my card, thank you - it is lovely, I hope you enjoyed the stamping! I love the table runner, especially with all the different cacti - very appropriate xxx

    1. Thank you Janet! I did enjoy the stamping... it was a lot of fun! I think the runner will be appreciated!! Chrissie xx

  3. Hi Christine your stitching is amazing,I love seeing all the different ones,oh your card is so pretty ,and your sons table runner looks awesome,well done my friend xx

    1. Thank you Shez! It is lots of fun working on all these different projects!! Christine x

  4. Another fun stitch. I remember trying it out when the original TAST ran several years ago, but I don't think I've remembered to use it since. Hope you get the runner done in time (I'm sure you will).

    1. Thank you Mary Anne! I will be putting in extra work on the runner this weekend to make sure I have it ready to take! Christine x

  5. Lovely stitching - you are so neat! Looking forward to seeing the runner when it is all finished.

    1. Thank you! My son loves cacti which is why they are on the runner.... I'm busy embroidering details on them at the moment! Christine x

  6. Liebe Christine, dein neuer Stich gefällt mir sehr gut, es ist schon erstaunlich wie unterschiedlich die Stiche wirken. Ich wünsche dir weiterhin viel Spaß und freue mich schon auf deinen nächsten Beitrag zu diesem Thema.
    Liebe Grüße

    1. Thank you Steffi! I really liked this stitch and will be using it again! Have a lovely weekend! Christine x

  7. I'm going to have to remember the Vandyke stitch if I ever get to work on my crazy wool mat--it looks very pretty! Your son is going to love the mat--great job!

    1. Thank you Karen! The Vandyke stitch is quick and easy to work... perfect for crazy quilting! Have a lovely weekend! Christine x

  8. Lovely stitch, Christine! As Mary Ann was saying, its hard to remember to use these new stitches again!Your table runner looks fantastic!
    Barbara xx

    1. Thank you Barbara! It is always fun learning the new stitches! Christine x


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