
Sunday, 2 October 2016

CQJP Challenge 2016

As some of you will recall, at the beginning of the year I started the CQJP Challenge for 2016.  This challenge is to make a crazy quilt block for each month of the year and then to put these blocks together into a project of your choice at the end of the year.  It is hosted by the lovely Kathy Shaw with some administrative help from Marci.

However, with my unexpected house move, I fell behind with my blocks. Well, if the truth be told, I was already a little behind even before the house move, with my last finished blocks being those for April and May (pictured above).  As I also have quite a number of other projects waiting for my attention, I decided not to stretch myself too thinly and try and get caught up with everything.

Instead, I decided to use the blocks I had made so far to make another circular cushion rather like the 'tuffet' cushion I finished for my daughter earlier this week.

I pieced the blocks together into a square of fabric.  Where the seams joined I added in some extra decorative stitches to unify them with the other decorated seams and I added a button in the middle.

I then marked a circle onto the wrong side of the background fabric just beyond the points of the Dresden plate blades, placed the square of fabric right sides together with another square of fabric for the back of the cushion and sewed on the marked line.  I left a few inches of the seam open for turning. I trimmed off the excess fabric leaving a generous quarter inch seam allowance and turned the cushion right sides out.  It was then stuffed with toy stuffing and the opening was closed by hand.

It was a quick and easy make and I was pleased with the result. 

I am hoping that the CQJP Challenge will run again next year and that I will be able to join in again then but for now it feels good not to worry about catching up and to have a finished project! 


  1. Sometimes it's good to get something finished, your cushion is very pretty :) we can't make every single quilt that we wished we could make! There's too much inspiration out there and my 'hope to make one day' list grows daily!

    1. Thank you! I know exactly how you feel.... my list grows daily too! Christine x

  2. What a clever idea to use your dresdens like that. Love the embroidery stitches that you decorated it with

  3. I like this style of cushion. It is a good way of getting a project finished! I hope your daughter likes her new cushion for her new room! xx

  4. Sometimes, hard as it is, we have to change plans radically just to keep a grip on things. This was a smart decision, and you have a lovely cushion to show for it. Thank you for the lesson in project management; I needed it this week! I had to make just such a choice.

  5. What a great idea - and it turned out beautifully. It's much better to have a pretty cushion that to have some blocks in a box somewhere.

  6. omg Christine the cushion is gorgeous,love it ,you are so clever my friend,well done.

  7. That is such a pretty cushion Christine. Your embroidery has been inspirational for me in a difficult year and I am now enjoying my new hobby of embroidery. Thank you for blogging about it.

  8. That is such a pretty cushion Christine - and, as you say, another project completed rather than trying to play catch up all the time. Well done x

    1. Thank you Lynda! I was very pleased with it and it is nice to have a project crossed off the 'to do' list! Christine x

  9. I think it was very wise of you to decide not to stress about a WIP and find a proper finish for those blocks. As always, your embroidery looks gorgeous! Ariadna.

  10. A very beautiful idea, it's a nice pillow!

  11. That is very pretty, almost too delicate to use, but a very nice decoration piece!

  12. Love, Love that quartered centre cushion!

  13. Well you certainly made a gorgeous project with your blocks, great way to use them and a lovely finish.

  14. Lovely Tuffet Christine, I have had great trouble commenting on the iPad.had to fire up the big mac..lovely work..Doti..

  15. Your cushion is beautiful, Christine. Have a great weekend. xx


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