
Wednesday, 7 December 2016

TAST Week Sixty-Seven: Raised Cup Stitch

This week's stitch for the TAST Challenge hosted by Sharon Boggon at Pin Tangle  is a really pretty little stitch called 'Raised Cup Stitch'.  It is exactly what it sounds like it is going to be and is a cute little raised cup.

It was quite a fiddly little stitch to embroider but it is worth the effort.  There is a base of straight stitches and the 'walls' of the cup are created by working another knotted stitch through these base stitches. Sharon's tutorial for the stitch is here.

I added three little pink 'cups' to the centre of one of my circles and I added three seed pearls to the centre of each of the cups.  It makes a pretty little flower.


  1. So sweet and could also easily be used for a nest with eggs. Very cute!
    Hugs Martina

  2. It is very pretty. I do like working with a tapestry needle, but reading the tutorial I see what you mean about "fiddly"!

  3. Wunderschöne Arbeit, da steckt schon eine graoßartige Fleißarbeit drin. Süß die kleine Stickerei mit den Perlen, wie in einem Nest.

    Liebe Grüße

  4. Sieht auch wirklich fummelig aus, hast du aber wie immer meisterhaft hinbekommen!
    Liebe Grüße

  5. Oh, they are the sweetest! So cute with the pearls inside. Love it!

  6. These are so sweet! This piece looks so amazing!

  7. Very pretty--I like the addition of the seed pearls! Your stitchery is filling up nicely! Happy stitching!

  8. It would make nice birds nests too. Your sampler is looking great!


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