
Friday, 10 March 2017

A mini quilt finish.....

On the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month I participate in a local quilting group.  It is a lovely group of ladies and, we take it in turns to share ideas and projects with the other members.  During the last two sessions of the group a project was shared with us to make the tiniest art quilt (approximately 5 x 5 inches square) that I have ever seen.

I think the inspiration for the project came from the book 'The Art of Embroidered Flowers' by the late Gilda Baron (a book that I will now have to add to my collection!!)   It has been the perfect project to work on as I wasn't very well last weekend and, although feeling better, have been feeling a little 'out of sorts' all week.

The lady who shared the project called it 'Poppy Field' and I am delighted with the finished quilt which is displayed in an empty CD case.  As you can see from the photographs above and below, when you remove the inner section of the CD case a little gap is created at the top of the case, meaning that you can hang the little quilt quite easily.

I definitely think I am going to be having some fun making a few more of these!! 


  1. wow, wow, wow Christine - this is beautiful! Well done - and I hope that you are on the mend now x

    1. Thank you Lynda! Such a cute little project to finish and, I am feeling much better thank you! Have a lovely weekend! Christine x

  2. Beautiful tiny quilt! I love the natural effect of the poppies growing across it. Hope you feel much better soon Christine and have a lovely weekend.
    Helen xox

  3. A really pretty mini mini quilt. The embroidered poppies are delightful. Have a good weekend Christine.

  4. What a delightful little quilt!

  5. Christine, this is lovely! I do hope you are feeling better!

  6. Liebe Christine,
    eine ganz zauberhafte Arbeit! Ich mag Mohnblumen sehr und freue mich schon auf die blühenden Felder.
    Liebe Grüße

  7. Christine this is the coolest thing ever! Love the poppies. Hope you are feeling much better and enjoy your weekend.

  8. It looks great and what a super novel way of displaying it. Very clever!

  9. So eine Gruppe ist einfach nur schön. Ich liebe meine Gruppen auch.
    Und dein Mohnfeld finde ich total schön! Das könnte ich direkt nacharbeiten!

    Gruß Marion

  10. Liebe Christine,
    ich habe dieses Mini Teilchen ja schon auf FB gesehen und war begeistert, aber das es so klein ist, Wow. Sieht ganz fantastisch aus, ich muss mir jetzt erst einmal das Buch anschauen gehen.
    Liebe Grüße

  11. What an adorable little mini and the case makes a great hanger . Hope you are feeling better .

  12. I just love it! The CD case is brilliant as well.

  13. This is so pretty. Thank you so much for sharing the info about the artist and her book.

    1. Thank you Darlene! I really enjoyed making this cute little project! Lots of fun! Christine x

  14. This is so cute!! I'm always amazed by your embroidery skills :-). The CD frame is genius! Have a nice -and better- week! Ariadna.

  15. What an amazing way to display a tiny quilt! And doubly good because the 'frame' uses something that normally gets tossed. Win/win (oh, and there's the added bonus that your little quilt is so cute too!).

  16. Thats the cutest mini quilt I have seen in a long time.
    Katrin W.


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