
Friday, 24 March 2017

Still practising.....

Last year I dedicated a lot of time to practising my free motion quilting and I was extremely pleased with the progress that I made.  So, I am sure you will understand that I am very keen not to lose touch with the techniques I have learned to date.

However, the only quilting I have done since the beginning of the year are two little practise quilts made as a result of Lori Kennedy's challenge at the end of one of her Craftsy classes.

That was until recently, when I decided to revisit another Craftsy class I have followed taught by Christina Cameli.  Previously, when I followed along with Christina's 'Wild Quilting' class I didn't have the confidence to try out some of the techniques she taught but, now that I am feeling much more capable with my free motion quilting, I decided to try out mixing together some of the different motifs to make a background quilt pattern.

I mixed together pebbles, spirals and leaves and I really like how they look together. I really love the texture.

They were a lot of fun to quilt too, so I shall definitely be trying out some more combinations of motifs.

I have also just received a copy this wonderful new book I ordered.  It is written by Lori Kennedy and is called 'Free Motion Machine Quilting 1-2-3'. It brings together over sixty of Lori's delightful quilting designs in one place. I can't wait to get back to my machine and try some of them out!!  In case you are wondering what happens to the practise pieces or, perhaps you have some practise pieces that you don't know what to do with, Lori has also just written a blog post with a nice idea how to use them up..... I think I may give this a try!


  1. Wow! Your FMQ looks fabulous! You have learnt quickly!
    Oh .. do let us know how you get on using Lori's book!
    I saw her idea for using practise pieces .... I just need to work out how to get started, and my first practise sandwich is ready to go! Tee, hee!
    Barbara x

  2. Hi Christine,your FMQ is amazing well done my friend .

  3. Your FMQ is looking really good now. I like the mixture of designs xx

  4. Beautiful - you should be teaching a class! :)

  5. Hi Christine! LOVE your FMQ ~ have always wanted to try this... and you have inspired me to get back to quilting and that huge stash i have :) Your work and design is amazing! x C

    1. Thank you Chrislyn! Such a shame we didn't discover our shared love of quilting when we lived so close to each other in CH! Christine x

  6. Fantastic FMQ Christine! You have really done well to learn so quickly. Love the combination of textures!
    Helen xox

  7. What fun! You are doing so well. Love the idea of what to do with your samples - they'd make such lovely gifts.

  8. Your FMQ is wonderful Christine! Your are very inspiring!

  9. Du machst das richtig gut! Mir gefallen Deine Quiltstiche und wäre schon froh wenn ich das annähernd so gut hin bekäme!

  10. your quilting is beautiful! You are definitely a natural. I love, love, love your flowers and pebbles design, it's Mackintoshesque!


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