
Sunday, 19 September 2021

What's been happening this week?

Well, not a lot of sewing has been happening this week as we have had another busy week of sorting out in the house after our move.

Another consignment of boxes, furniture, etc arrived from Switzerland but, luckily, we have managed to get it sorted through fairly quickly!

When I was sorting through and unpacking my sewing room boxes I rediscovered a little kit that I had started last year but hadn't got round to finishing.  It is a pretty 'Beehive' print designed by Louise Nichols which I really love and which I am keen to get finished now.

I have finished the quilting and just need to finish the little wall hanging and add the bees.  I am hoping to finish the bees off this afternoon.  This has been a lovely kit to work on.

Hope you're all having a creative weekend! 😊 xx


  1. Lots of unpacking to do there…
    What a beautiful wall hanging …

  2. Glad to hear you are getting things sorted out after your move and that you have been getting some stitching in . What a sweet project , it's lovely .

    1. Thank you Sheila! We are gradually getting sorted and it was lovely to find a project to finish off! Hope to get it done today! Christine xx

  3. It's amazing what turns up when we start sorting. Your little stitchery is darling--hope you find time to finish it up soon!

  4. I certainly don't envy you that unpacking! I still haven't gotten over doing that when we moved here over ten years ago. Glad you unearthed that wee stitchery project though and I'm anxious to see it as you move it along.

  5. Beautiful wall hanging, lots of unpacking still to go.x

  6. I love your bee hive Christine. The bees are very cute.


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