
Monday, 25 August 2014

How was your weekend?

Here in the UK it is a Bank Holiday today and, where I live, it is wet!!  After a busy weekend, I am on my own and, I plan to get working on a number of projects which didn't get much attention over the last few days!!  

On Saturday we had some friends round for dinner and, I wanted to get the house cleaned up ready for their visit. I decided to start with my sewing area. The idea being to move from there through into the kitchen and then on through the rest of the ground floor of the house.  I started off quite well except that cleaning turned into rearranging and, that turned into reorganising which, was quite time-consuming and, meant that the rest of the house didn't get much of a clean!!  I am, however, very pleased with the new layout in my sewing area!!!

We did have a nice meal with the friends, who didn't seem to notice the state of uncleanliness, so not to worry!

As I was busy with sorting out the house and, preparing the food, I haven't had much time for actual sewing.  I have started work on my sew-a-long project but, I can't show you that because that would spoil the surprise when we show and tell our first projects on Martina's blog.

I did also manage to get a little crochet project finished too but, I can't show you that either because it is a gift and I don't want the recipient to see it before it is given but, here is a hint!

I didn't get any more of my rediscovered teapot cosy finished but, I did decide that tea cosies were the thing to knit/crochet and ordered myself this lovely book  'Tea Cosies 4' which is published by GMC Publications Limited and, which arrived at the end of last week.  So be prepared to see a lot more tea cosies made!!

Rearranging my sewing area also convinced me that I needed to make a new cover for one of the stools I have in there.  So I fast tracked that project in front of everything else and have now started work on a crocheted cover for my stool.  This is how it looks so far.... I know it is only the size of a coaster now but it will be a cover for my stool by the time I have finished!!

Oh and, I was given two beautiful bouquets of flowers this weekend which has made the house look lovely (even if it is still dusty!)....

So that is it... my weekend... how was your weekend? 


  1. I got a bucket of icy water chucked over me (and I did the chucking!!)
    I'd say you got the better deal!!
    Your sewing room looks nice and organised now x

    1. Hi Janet! I think you might be right there! :) xx

  2. Way to go, Janet!! Chris, you definitely got the better deal. My weekend was so full of busy plus small children!!

  3. Hi Christine, I love what you did in your sewing room, it looks so nice and tidy.. The colors for your new stool cover are super pretty I think, and tea cozy's will be fun to see. I spent the weekend at the fair, it was great fun. Thanks for asking.

    1. Hi Shelly! How did that go at the fair... did your girls enjoy themselves with their entries for the competitions? I am so glad it was fun! :) x

  4. Love your sewing room! So fun to see glimpse into others' spaces. :)
    Your tea cozy is so cute, and can't wait to see the stool cover - great colors.
    I had to stop and think what we did this weekend - how sad is that! On Friday I was in charge of an appreciation luncheon for over 200 teachers from the high school next to our church. Everything else was downhill after that. ;) We caught up on some back yard odds and ends early Saturday morning, because our temps have been in the upper 90s. Ugh. Can't wait for fall!

    1. Hi Linda and thank you for your comments on my sewing room and projects! Sounds like you had quite a busy weekend! We are heading into Autumn quickly now... the temperatures overnight are a lot lower than they were! :) x


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