
Thursday, 28 August 2014

Yarn Bombing?

According to wikipedia yarn bombing is a form of graffiti where an inanimate object is decorated using yarn, either knitted or crocheted.  As this generally takes place in a public place I am not sure if I can claim to have yarnbombed my sewing room stool but, I have finished the cover I was making for it and I am extremely happy with how it now looks.

You may have noticed that this does not look like the same piece of crochet which I showed you the other day when I started this project and, you would be correct.  It isn't!!

I did continue to work on the coaster-sized circle of crochet but, as it got bigger I was less and less happy with the join at the end of each round of stitches. 

I kept unpicking rounds and re-stitching them but, I was still not happy with how it looked. If anyone has any tips on how I could improve this, I would love to hear them!!

In the end, I decided to start again completely with a different approach.  I did use the same combination of colours that I had started with before as I really liked them but, I changed the stitch that I used.  I am much happier with the outcome. I do have a few yarn ends to weave in but, it is more or less finished and is a very cheerful addition to my new re-arranged room!


  1. The second one definitely looks better! I am looking forward to seeing all these things one day

    1. Thank Janet! I think so too!! Are you coming to visit?! xx

  2. I want to come too! ;) I like the second stitch also - is it a kind of shell stitch? How do you attach your cover?
    LOL on yarn-bombing your own room. :)

    1. Hi Linda! Thanks for your great comments! The stitch is just the standard stitch used for the Granny Squares you see so often in crochet patterns. I taught myself, so I am not technically very brilliant at crochet but I muddle through! I think yarn bombing looks like fun!! To fit the cover I just did a couple of much tighter rows of stitching so that it just tucks under the top of the seat! I think you would have a long way to come to visit!! :) xx

  3. I didn't know what yarn bombing was!! You have definitely created a great example though Christine! I'm always undoing and re-doing crochet to get it right as well. The finished one looks perfectly joined to me-well done!
    Alison xx

    1. Hello Alison! Thank you for visiting and leaving me such a nice comment... it was your post on crochet the other week which inspired me to start a project!! :) x

    2. Oh I am so delighted about that Christine -you do such gorgeous amirugumi crochet. I often worry they are a little small to do and I may not get these little animals right but I will have to have a go after seeing how cute yours are! xx

    3. Hello again Alison! The crocheted animals can be quite fiddly but they are worth it because they turn out so cute! They crochet up quickly and are very popular with my girls!! :) xx


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