
Wednesday, 6 May 2015

Time for May's CQJP Block!

It is time to starting thinking about my CQJP Block for May.

Here is the base block I will be working with.

Now I just have to decide on the stitches to add and, practice them before adding them to the block.

I find printing out a photograph of the block and drawing in the stitches along the seams helpful. This is my scribbled plan for last month's block.

Then I audition some threads and the silk ribbons. Usually some beads too.

I love deciding which ones to use! Looking forward to getting started! 


  1. Liebe Christine,
    welch schöne Stiche und auch Dein Block ist sehr schön. Da bin ich sehr gespannt auf deine Umsetzung. Viel Spaß dabei.
    Liebe Grüße

    1. Thank you Monika! I am looking forward to getting started!! :) x

  2. I had no idea you practiced your stitches! Planning is part of the joy of your projects - right? :)

    1. Hello Linda! Yes, I love the planning part and generally I only practice the stitches if they are either new or I haven't used them in a while! I like to get them right first time on the actual block! :) x

  3. Fun to read about your approach to working your blocks. Me? I'm a jump in and hope for the best person!!

    1. Hello Mary Anne, it is interesting how we all approach things differently... that is what makes life fun! :) x

  4. Drawing the design on the photograph is such a good idea, I am going to steal that idea for myself. Thank you

    1. Hello Brenda! I just find it helps me decide which stitch is going to look best where! Glad I have given you a helpful tip! Hope you are settling in! :) x

  5. Love the way you plan - do you use a frixion pen for the drawing - or do you only draw on the photograph and not the material at all? We went off frixion pens on white and cream as we found they still left a mark which could be seen later.

    1. Thank you! I only plan on the drawing and then usually mark a couple of dots here and there to keep the stitches a consistent size. I haven't summoned up the courage to use a frixion pen... it just upsets me to mark a quilt block with black pen marks, even if they are supposed to iron out... I use an air erasable pen but sometimes even they don't disappear completely! :) x

  6. Starting a new patch is always exciting. I find choosing fabric and thread often takes me the longest time. I know you will turn the few selections into another beauty and I look forward to seeing it and all the little touches.

    1. Thank you Amanda! I love the planning stage of a project almost as much as the stitching and it does take up quite a bit of time! Looking forward to getting started on this block!

  7. That is going to be so cute with the little blue birds! Your idea to print out the block and sketch in the stitches is brilliant!

    1. Thank you Karen! I love these fabrics but it can sometimes be difficult to know which stitches to decorate them with. I find sketching out the planned stitches helps! :) x


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