
Thursday, 7 May 2015

I forgot to tell you....

When I wrote my post yesterday about my latest basic block for the CQJP Challenge 2015, I had meant to tell you about a little bit about a crazy quilt magazine I have heard about through a blogger friend, Mary Anne of Magpie's Mumblings. However, as I was dashing about getting ready to attend my eldest daughter's MSc Graduation Ceremony, I didn't get the chance to add in an extra paragraph to share the information with you, so I am putting that right now!  

Summer Issue 2015: Front Cover

The magazine is called 'Crazy Quilt Quarterly' and is edited by Pam Kellogg of Kitty and Me Designs.  

Summer Issue 2015: Table of Contents

You can order the magazine as a paper copy or a digital copy and from what I have seen it has some lovely articles and inspiring photographs. One of the consultants who works on the magazine is Kathy Shaw whose wonderful basic and intermediate crazy quilt classes I took earlier in the year and Mary Anne is the Assistant Editor.  If you are looking for some great crazy quilt inspiration, why not pop over and have a look.


  1. I'm sure you are enjoying your magazine. :) I had to Google "MSc" - is it like a master's degree? Congratulations to your daughter!

    1. Hello Linda! Yes, it is a Master of Science, she had a lovely graduation yesterday even though the degree was actually completed last September. Thank you Linda! :) x

  2. Thank you so much Christine for spreading the word about the magazine! We appreciate all the help we can get, particularly when the only way we can advertise it is through word of mouth. Hugs!!!!

    1. No problem Mary Anne, it looks a lovely magazine.... I have just ordered a copy of each! I'm looking forward to them coming in the post! :) x

    2. Thank you again! Be sure to pay special attention to the cover of the first issue (not that I'm excited about it or anything).

    3. Ooh... I'm really excited to get them now! Thank you Mary Anne! :) x

  3. Thank you so much for mentioning the magazine Christine! Mary Anne told me that you did so I thought I'd hop over to your blog and say thanks! Pam

    1. My pleasure Pam... it looks a lovely magazine (I have ordered a copy of each) I am new to CQ and I am really enjoying learning all about it. I took a couple of Kathy Shaw's online classes which were great! :) x


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