
Sunday, 13 March 2022

A finished project!

This week I spent a fair amount of time with Dexter after his operation as I had to make sure he didn't jump up or down and upset his wound.  It gave me the perfect excuse to finish the final details of my Sea Hollies Embroidery Kit designed by Amy Butcher of Beaks and Bobbins.

Since the last time I showed it to you, there were a number of details which needed to be added including some beading on the heads of the sea hollies themselves.

They do look really lovely now they are completed (even if I do say so myself) but they were quite time-consuming, so it was lucky that I had the time.

There were also the little flowers along the bottom edge to embroider and add some beads to as well.

I am looking forward to getting it trimmed up and framed now.  I thought I may already have a frame to hand but, it looks like I may need to buy one.

Hopefully I will be able to get one soon!

 Until next time 😊 xx


  1. Your sea hollies stitching is so beautiful Christine. The beads finish it off perfectly. xxx

  2. so very pretty and delicate is amazing what embellishment does for a piece

  3. Hope Dexter is feeling much more himself.
    Your stitchery turned out so well! I'd love to make it someday, but the list is long already.....


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