
Sunday, 6 March 2022

Bit of a rollercoaster week.....

It really has been a bit of a rollercoaster this week.  I have had some really high moments, for example when my eldest daughter passed the viva of her PhD after four years of hard work.  Her friends at University made her a lovely cake to celebrate.  Her research has been environmental and concerns the foraging margins of pollinators on farms.  Hence the cake has depicted her in a field full of wild flowers and lots of bees!

Then we took our two dear little granddaughters out for a day at the farm (their Mum and Dad came too).  This was a belated birthday trip for the youngest of the two girls who celebrated her second birthday in February.  We had a marvellous time even though the weather wasn't at it's best!

But I have also had some very low moments when at a routine visit to the vet one of my dear little dogs was diagnosed with a tumour.  After further examination it was revealed that the tumour was attached to his spleen and a decision had to be made whether to operate and have his spleen removed.  We decided that we would go ahead with the surgery.  He needs plenty of careful attention now but, he is making good progress.  We will know when the analysis of the tumour comes back whether it is malignant or not.

On the sewing front, I have re-started work on my Metro Tiles quilt (pattern designed by The Gourmet Quilter) and I am hoping to make some more progress over the next few days too.

I have also added a few more details to my Sea Hollies embroidery. (This is a kit designed by Amy Butcher of Beaks and Bobbins.) I am hoping to be able to get this finished this week.

Until next time..... 😊 xx


  1. Congratulations to your DD on her PhD..
    Hope your fur baby heals well.
    Some beautiful projects you’ve worked on.

  2. Congratulations to your daughter , that's awesome . Sorry to hear about your little dog and hope the biopsy is negative and she recovers well . Hugs

  3. Congratulations to not only your daughter, but you as well. You must be so proud!
    Sorry to hear your fur baby has been ill - hopefully the results of the tests will come back on the good side and he will heal well.
    On the good side, what would we do without our creativity to keep us balanced.

  4. the embroidery is looking lovelier and lovelier...and hope your fur baby is well soon...sewing is just right for roller coaster weeks!

    1. Thank you Grace that is very kind of you. Luckily Dexter seems to have picked up well after the surgery so I have my fingers crossed that he continues to do so. Have a good week! Christine xx

  5. Congratulations to your daughter. I do hope your little dog is doing well.

  6. Congratulations to your daughter! Hope all turns out well for your dog, they are very precious.

    1. Thank you Brenda. We are keeping our fingers crossed for Dexter. Christine xx

  7. So sorry to hear about your dear furry friend. It is always an emotional time when our pets get ill. On the other side of life, congrats to your clever daughter. Sounds like you have had a wonderful time with family and you have even managed some stitching time. Keep well.

  8. Goodness, what a week of mixed feelings. Wonderful clever daughter receiving her PhD - many congrats to her. I´m sorry to hear about your little dog, how these furry friends pull at our hearts. Hope he will recover well. Gorgeous embroidery as always.

  9. Congratulations to your daughter. What a fabulous cake! I hope Dexter is doing okay. Our dog Molly had a tumour removed on New Year's Eve and she is doing really well now. xxx


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