I always find it amazing at how quickly another week passes and this week is no exception! It is lovely to have my 'creative space' fully functional again and I have been able to get quite a lot achieved this week.
Firstly, I finished a couple more of the tiles for my Metro Tiles Quilt (pattern designed by The Gourmet Quilter) and added them to the current row.
I am hoping to work on the tiles needed to complete the row this afternoon.
I also finished another art journal page. I have been really enjoying playing with these pages and I love watching the inspirational videos by Vicky Papaioannou of 'Clips-n-Cuts'.
I haven't only been busy in my craft room this week though as I have also been having fun hanging some of my favourite quilt/embroidery makes around the house.
I was so excited to rediscover some of these quilts that have been hidden away until we moved.
It has been great fun deciding where to hang them. Of course there are probably still some more to be added and there may well be some rearranging but that's all part of the fun!
Hope you are all enjoying a lovely weekend!
Until next time.... 😊 xx